

This file will become your README and also the index of your documentation.


I’ve set up pre-commit to check staged changes and make sure notebooks are cleaned and export nicely. If you install the nbdev hooks (nbdev_install_hooks) and edit with jupyter notebooks or jupyter lab this should never be an issue, if you edit with VS code or something you may have to run nbdev_clean and nbdev_export before commiting changes. To set things up, in this folder run:

pip install nbdev pre-commit
pre-commit install

The book will be written as notebooks in the nbs folder. This readme is generated from index.ipynb.

I recommend running nbdev_preview to see a rendered preview of the contents in the browser, which will update any time you save changes to a notebook.


We can render the notebooks to ASCIIDOC with quarto render nbs -t asciidoc --output-dir /path/to/output/folder.

You can also run quarto install tinytex to install LaTeX and then quarto render nbs -t pdf --output-dir /path/to/output/folder to render the notebooks to PDFs.

To check the ASCIIDOC output, install asciidoctor (sudo apt install ruby-asciidoctor-pdf or follow then

For previewing a single chapter, I do quarto render nbs/01_04_diffusion_models_intro.ipynb --to asciidoc --output-dir ~ then convert to PDF with asciidoctor-pdf 01_04_diffusion_models_intro.txt.

Pushing a new chapter to atlas

Create an SSH key:

Add to account (account settings)

Clone the repo: git -c core.sshCommand="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa" clone

Add asciidoc file (rename .txt to .asciidoc) and folder of images

Add the filename in “files” section of atlas.json

Commit and push

Style Guide

At the start of each notebook, add a markdown cell with the overall heading / chapter title (eg # Diffusion Models).

Subsections should be ## (eg ## Iterative Refinement) and they can have ### headings within them.

Code cells should be formatted with #hide if you don’t want them to appear in the docs.

Imports should get their own cell or cells rather than being mixed with code

You can #|hide cells with boilerplate for showing images, etc. to keep only the relevant code included in the rendered content.

To hide the code but show the output, use #|echo: false.

To hide the output but show the code, use #|output: false.

To make callout sections, use:

::: {.callout-note} 
Your callout text here 

Which won’t render in Jupyter but will show up in the document:


Your callout text here, can be note, tip, warning, caution and important


This is an important callout